HTS Library

Our industry-leading compound collection contains > 3 million high-quality small molecules. Built and carefully selected based on the big pharma legacy collections, we provide access to a diverse and novel chemical space that cannot be found in other commercial libraries (80% unique structures). Every compound has associated data in our Life Science Database (LSDB) containing ~1 billion data points for fast decision-making during hit selection. The new NUVISAN Explorer library focuses on lead-like compounds, streamlining the optimization process for more targeted drug discovery. With a selection of 340k non-proprietary compounds, it provides a cost-effective hit-finding solution.

Library Sets Available for HTS and Virtual Screening:

Proprietariness and properties of the compound library available to NUVISAN for HTS and virtual screening:

Diversity within the compound libraries available to NUVISAN for HTS and virtual screening (based on chemical space analysis using tSNE of full molecules):

  • The NUVISAN HTS library is formatted in 1536-well master plates and stored at −40℃.
  • Assay-ready plate (ARP) concept: To ensure fast onset of your HTS campaign, we have sets of ARPs, with 20–40 nanoliters of DMSO stock solution available. We produce the ARPs using two automated Echo plate replication systems.
  • Hit follow-up: The on-site automated REMP liquid store cherry-picks single tubes with DMSO solutions for up to 32k hits within 1 week. Larger amounts and solid material can be obtained from a solid store.
  • Safe storage: The power supply for the Berlin campus is secured by an on-site power plant.